September 2, 1999
"We are not responding to individual "Primate Freedom Tag" inquiries with the information requested as these tags are being sold by individuals responsible for or condoning animal rights demonstrations that recently resulted in unfortunate illegal activity and damage to our center. We have no interest in catering to the specific requests and demands of such individuals or to those who support them; demands either for public forums, which have not proved productive in the past, or for further, redundant accountability regarding the status of individual monkeys, when these animals already have numerous competent animal care staff, veterinarians, compassionate researchers, campus care and use committees, and federa animal care officials assuring their proper use and care under the Federal Animal Welfare Act. many people have chosen careers in animal welfare and are making a dif ference in how these animals are treated, from day to day, and year to year."
November 15, 1999
"Nothing to hide about how we care for our monkeys -- please call me and I'll tell you all about our animal care and research. Also, we have some new fact sheets about animal care that I will soon be putting up on our Website to answer frequently asked questions about our monkeys. But we are not in the "adopt an animal" business and there are potential legal issues regarding Primate Freedom Tag requests and other requests for specific information about individual monkeys. We've turned these requests over to University of Wisconsin-Madison Legal Dept."