sale of orangutans to night club performer Bobby Berosini and the
subsquent abuse
Emory University and Yerkes Primate Research Center
sold orangutans to night c lub
performer, Bobby Berosini from 1973 to 1987. The television program,
"Entertainment Tonight" aired a secretly-made video that
showed Berosini beating the orangutans, night after night, about
the head, neck and shoulders.
Following the "ET" story, People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals filed a lawsuit against Berosini, seeking custody of
the orangutans. Numerous affidavits were filed in support of the
lawsuit, including one by world-renowned scientist Jane Goodall,
alleging that the Berosini tape shows the orangutans to be the victims
of serious psychological and physical abuse. "The treatment
I saw meted out to the orangs in that film involves severe psychological
cruelty as well as physical abuse...Those responsible for the treatment
of the orangutans in the video should never be allowed to own, train
or handle animals again." Goodall said in the affidavit.
Other experts agreed the orangutans were victims of abuse. Two
highly-respected veterinarians, Michael Wolff and Robert Stone,
along with Rob Shumaker, a primate caretaker from the National Zoo
in Washington, examined Berosini's orangutans. The physical examinations
and behavioral observations supported charges of animal abuse and
are consistent with the events depicted on the videotape.
Yerkes, however, continued to defend Berosini's treatment of the
animals despite the videotape evidence. Kenneth Gould examined the
animals after the tape was released and denied seeing any signs
of abuse. Before retiring from Yerkes in 2000, Gould made a career
of submitting male chimpanzees to 'rectal probe-ejaculators', a
device designed to force ejaculation via electric current. He also
forced female chimps to undergo electric rectal probe after being
artificially inseminated, although there has been no scientific
evidence to support the usefulness of this stimulation.
primatologist Jane Goodall's letter concerning Berosini's treatment
of the orang-utans and the findings of expert examiners

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