Not required to report ...
Case in point: On Oct. 23, 2008 an SIV negative monkey was anesthetized
for blood collection. After collecting blood the monkey was later
found in poor condition and treated by veterinary staff but later
died from blood loss. Blood was collected from the groin area and
poses a higher risk — more need for proper technique —which
takes time. But the bottom line is probably someone did not take
the time to hold pressure on the site.

How could we know for sure? The problem is the Animal
Welfare Act does not require facilities like Yerkes to report these
incidents to the USDA/APHIS. Incidents like these rarely come to
the public’s attention and many times, no regulating agency.
The Animal Welfare Act clearly states lab personnel
are to be trained in their jobs … but in this case the incident
was not reported to APHIS so no investigation was possible. Primate
Freedom Project informed APHIS and we are hoping for an investigation.
Emory Univ. contacted the Office of Laboratory Animal
Welfare but OLAW only confirms the university is in compliance with
Emory’s own rules and OLAW usually responds with, ‘...handling
of the matter was consistent with the philosophy of self-regulation.”
How nice it must be to make your own rules and report what you want/when
you want!
Congress is responsible for the Animal Welfare Act
and like all the other fiascoes we’ve seen out of Washington,
this scenario comes as no surprise to seasoned animal rights supporters
—- or anyone paying attention.
particular monkey who died was a female sooty mangabey involved
in an experiment conducted by Cynthia Derdeyn, PhD, subcontracing
with the University of Pennsylvania. Although the monkey recovered
from the anesthesia, she developed a large hematoma and then died
from loss of blood.
Emory’s answer to all this is to have “a
refresher course for training in blood collection procedures instructed
by a clinical veterinarian.”
All the refresher courses in the world will not replace
caring about the primates and proper job performance.
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