a Congressional Educator
The Primate Freedom Project has three components:
Education, Advocacy, and Support.
This part of the Primate Freedom Project is primarily
concerned with education.
We cannot expect Congress or even our neighbors to take a stand
on this important problem until they know two things: they must
be taught that monkeys and nonhuman apes have minds and emotions
very similar to our own; they must also learn what is actually happening
in the laboratories right now. Once this is known, they will begin
to understand that the experiments being performed on primates are
as horrible as they would be if they were being performed on human
The Primate Freedom Project is educating lawmakers through publication
of The Congressional Educator, a quarterly newsletter written
for members of Congress. "Congressional Educators" are
needed for every Congressional district. We invite you to become
actively involved in this part of the Primate Freedom Project.
Here is what we would like you to do:
1. Either sign
up to receive a copy of The Congressional Educator every
three months, or print a current copy from the on-line edition.
2. Mail a current copy of The Congressional Educator to your
Senators and to your Representative every three months. Include
a short polite note asking them what they intend to do concerning
the issues raised. [Find your Senators and Representatives at].
3. Send us any reply you receive so it can be posted here.
We cannot expect instant understanding by uneducated lawmakers.
It is our task to make sure they understand the depth and scope
of the problems associated with the research being funded by
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