Alamogordo Primate Facility
Alex Chimpanzee's records were obtained thru a
FOIA request to the Department of Health and Human Services. Alex
was identified by id#3620 and 1156. His birthday was 01/01/1966
and he died 11/06/2002.
We received little information about James but
will continue to investigate his death. Records from APF record
his cause of death to be, "Severe systemic infection including
generalized fibropurulent serositis, pylonephritis, and prostatitis.
Renal failure and probable DIC.
We will not forget you Alex.
Documents about APF chimpanzees tell us:
"3. Most of the chimpanzees have either been
infected with one or more chronic viruses, and even if they were
negative controls the chimpanzees have been subjected in the past
to many invasive procedures such as punch biopsies of the liver
and anesthetic events. These procedures are thought to contribute
to long-term prolems in some animals with liver and renal failure,
and various blood abnormalities."
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