A (cruel) legacy remembered.
Fred Coulston & The Coulston
Foundation & The National Institutes of Health
Most people want history to remember them kindly. However, there
are some whose actions are so horrific that nothing positive can
be said for their having been alive. Fred Coulston is one of those
people. He boasted on national television of his shameful deeds.
It is important that such things are recorded and remembered so
they do not happen again. We will remember Fred Coulston......for
all the wrong reasons.
Primate Freedom Tags are no longer needed for chimpanzees once
held by The Coulston Foundation (TCF). Read
the amazing news.
A visit to the White Sands Research Center, simply
another name for TCF, was a sobering look at the reality of
the prison camps called primate research centers in the same
vernacular that cloaked Joseph Mengele's insane curiosity as
science by the Nazi propagandists. Today, the propagandists
dress the torture occurring in the primate labs as "research." |
Now you have an opportunity to connect with and act as an advocate
for one of the chimpanzees still imprisoned in Alamogordo by the
U.S. government.
Their freedom begins with you.
Order a Primate Freedom Tag
But the chimpanzees held captive by the National Institutes of
Health (NIH) at Holloman Air Force base have not been so
lucky. Many of the chimpanzees held by Fred Coulston remain at Holloman
today, as part of a contract awarded to Charles River Laboratories
and operated as the Alamogordo Primate Facility. Cnimpanzees continue
to suffer there. In an amazing step. animal cruelty charges were
filed against the center due to the deaths of Rex, Ashley and willful
neglect of Topsy. Read the story here.
These chimpanzees, once wholly owned by TCF, were once part of the
largest single massing of imprisoned chimpanzees in the world.
Buy a Tag. Contact your US representative. Call, write and email
your US senators. Change the world
Payments to Charles Rivers Laboratories
Progress Reports and deaths recorded 1990-2005
Primate Center contract with Charles Rivers Lab
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