Primate Freedom Project - Education, Advocacy, Support Primate Freedom Project - Education, Advocacy, Support
These are life stories of primates held in U.S. primate laboratories. They are based on documents obtained from the labs.
Dover Chimpanzee
Sellers Chimpanzee
3566 Rhesus Macaque
PWc2 Rhesus Macaque
Unknown Rhesus Macaque
13481 Rhesus Macaque
14326 Rhesus Macaque
20213 Rhesus Macaque
20229 Rhesus Macaque D
20233 Rhesus Macaque
20247 Rhesus Macaque
20253 Rhesus Macaque
20346 Rhesus Macaque
23993 Squirrel Monkey
23915 Crab-eating Macaque
23954 Rhesus Macaque
25142 Crab-eating Macaque
24974 Rhesus Macaque
24013 Squirrel Monkey
25157 Crab-eating Macaque
25205 Crab-eating Macaque
25274 Rhesus Macaque
25412 Crab-eating Macaque
27276 Crab-eating Macaque
28100 Crab-eating Macaque
28114 Crab-eating Macaque
30914 Rhesus Macaque
30916 Rhesus Macaque
30983 Rhesus Macaque
31031 Rhesus Macaque
cj0233 Common Marmoset
cj0453 Common Marmoset D
cj0495 Common Marmoset
Piotr Rhesus Macaque
rhaf72 Rhesus Macaque
rhao45 Rhesus Macaque
Rh1890 Rhesus Macaque
R80180 Rhesus Macaque
R87083 Rhesus Macaque
R89124 Rhesus Macaque
R89163 Rhesus Macaque
R90128 Rhesus Macaque
R91040 Rhesus Macaque
R93014 Rhesus Macaque
R95054 Rhesus Macaque D
R95065 Rhesus Macaque D
R95076 Rhesus Macaque D
R96108 Rhesus Macaque
R97041 Rhesus Macaque
R97082 Rhesus Macaque
R95100 Rhesus Macaque
S93052 Rhesus Macaque
Response from Jordana Lenon, public relations manager for WNPRC.
A03068 Rhesus Macaque
A98056 Pig-tailed Macaque
A92025 Baboon
F91396 Pig-tailed Macaque D
J90153 Pig-tailed Macaque
J90266 Pig-tailed Macaque
J90299 Crab-eating Macaque
J91076 Pig-tailed Macaque D
J91386 Pig-tailed Macaque D
J91398 Pig-tailed Macaque D
J92068 Pig-tailed Macaque
J92349 Pig-tailed Macaque D
J92476 Pig-tailed Macaque
censored Vervet
censored Vervet
censored Vervet
MCY24525 Crab-eating Macaque
MCY24540 Crab-eating Macaque
OIPM-007 Crab-eating Macaque
UNC-Chapel Hill
3710 Squirrel Monkey
Ashley Chimpanzee
Karla Chimpanzee
Tyson Chimpanzee
Snoy Chimpanzee
Maurice p1 Maurice p2 Chimpanzee
Hercules Chimpanzee
Jerome Chimpanzee
Ritchie Chimpanzee
Rex Chimpanzee
Topsey Chimpanzee
B.G. Chimpanzee
Dawn Chimpanzee
BamBam Chimpanzee
Dixie Chimpanzee
Ginger Chimpanzee
Kelly Chimpanzee
Lennie Chimpanzee
Kist Chimpanzee
Peg Chimpanzee
Aaron Chimpanzee
Chuck Chimpanzee
James Chimpanzee
Alex Chimpanzee
Muna Chimpanzee
Wally Chimpanzee
#1028 Chimpanzee
Lippy Chimpanzee
#1303 Chimpanzee
#CA0127 Chimpanzee
Shane Chimpanzee
The University of Minnesota
#00FP8 Long-Tailed Macaque
#312E Rhesus Macaque
#9711B Rhesus Macaque
#99IP61 Long-tailed Macaque
The Fauna Foundation
The Fauna Foundation Chimpanzees
Center for Biologics Evaluation
Univ. of Alabama - Birmingham


r97041 was the 41st rhesus macaque born at the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center (WRPRC) in 1997. Her mother, r90108, was the 108th rhesus monkey born in 1990. Her father, r83012, was the 12th rhesus born at WRPRC in 1983. At the time of this writing, this makes her father eighteen years old; he has probably never seen the sky.

r97041 was born on May 15, 1997. The first time she was taken from her mother, two weeks after she was born, she weighed exactly one half kilogram.

The records WRPRC grudgingly released are very sketchy. She has been used, in some fashion, for research being conducted by the RPRC director, Joe Kemnitz. This study is titled: “DNA Profiling of Primates Used in Biomedical Research.” We know that she has been used in the study: “Novel Therapeutic Approaches for AIDS Utilizing an SIV Model,” and in another titled: “Ctl based Vaccines for the AIDS Virus: Vaccination,” and in another called: “Ctl Response in an SIV Infection in the Rhesus.”

On March 6, 2000 she was reported to be menstruating and vomiting.

As of August 2000, she was still SIV negative and was living with another monkey, r96096.

On August 11, the entry reads: “Remark: Fight with r96096; both a little scratched up. Remark: Still scratched up, but not bleeding; getting along well with partner, r96096.

As of February 2, 2001, r97041 was still alive and described as “thin.” A wound to the right side of her face was healing.

WRPRC director Joseph Kemnitz, wrote the cover letter accompanying the brief record supplied regarding r97041. The body of his letter, in its entirety, reads: This is in response for information as described in your letter of earlier this year (copy enclosed). A copy of the information you requested is enclosed herein.” He was asked for a copy of all records pertaining to r97041.

Two possibilities present themselves. 1.) Perhaps WRPRC really does record observations made concerning the monkeys in the facility very infrequently. Only 12 observations of r97401 were recorded during 2000. Other facilities maintain a daily log of observations. It is possible that WRPRC is simply uninterested in recording, on a daily, or even a weekly basis, whether the monkeys there are eating or appear healthy. This is very possible. 2.) Maybe Joe Kemnitz is simply a liar. Maybe there are many records available regarding r97401 and Kemnitz just lied when he wrote that the records requested [all records pertaining to r97401] were sent.

In the first case, WRPRC would be keeping far fewer records than some of the larger industry facilities, while in the second case, nothing they say can be believed. In either case, it is bothersome to realize that they stay in business solely due to support from the federal government – support derived entirely from our tax dollars.

r97041, our thoughts are with you.

Primate Freedom Project
P.O. Box 1623
Fayetteville, GA. 30214
Tel: 678.489.7798


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