UCLA Conspires to Halt the flow
of Public Information
If there should be any doubt left that UCLA has conspired to halt
the flow of information to the public --- information paid for with
tax monies,--- rest assured, here's the proof in their own words.
ScienceMagazine.org via a AAAS publication, aided and abetted by
The National Association for Biomedical Research writes this:
''Spurred by the attack on Rosenbaum, UCLA
also decided not to comply with requests for animal protocols
and other research-related materials made via the Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA). This and other public record laws are are intended
to give private citizens access to information held by public
agencies, and animal activists use them to gain access to research
records. (The Web site of the Primate Freedom Project, for example,
contains a fill-in-the-blanks FOIA request letter for research
animal records, along with the addresses of several major primate
Imagine citizens actually using tools provided to them for information!
The full
article and the statement above can be read here.
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