News Release
October 18, 2005
Activists Seek To Force Sale of
Property Adjacent to Historical Harry Harlow Monkey Lab
Madison Wisconsin- A lawsuit was filed on October 18, 2005 to force
the sale of property adjacent to the infamous Harry Harlow lab at
the University of Wisconsin to activists working to expose the inherent
cruelty of the nation’s primate laboratories.
The property owner entered into a contract to sell the property
to them only after learning they planned to open a national exhibition
to showcase the use of nonhuman primates in painful and cruel experiments.
Upon receipt of a large counter offer from a University front group,
the owner has tried to break his contractual obligation.
Harry Harlow is father of the widespread current justification
for hurting monkeys: these animals’ minds and emotions are
fundamentally the same as ours. Their suffering is no different
from ours in similar situations. Their emotional and intellectual
needs are the very like our own. Harlow’s claims were explicit.
The National Institutes of Health and publicly funded scientists
argue that these close and remarkable similarities are good reason
to use these animals in ways that would be criminal if done to humans.
Harlow is directly responsible for training fifty or more scientists
who have dispersed across the country to continue his technique
and train more just like him. Like a plague of cruelty spreading
across the country, the source of the contagion can be traced back
to its origin.
The disputed property is located directly across the street from
the Harlow Lab and adjacent to the Wisconsin National Primate Research
Center, of which Harlow was the first director. Today, approximately
2000 monkeys are on hand, stored row upon row like so many test
tubes waiting to be used in the next diabolical experiment.
The National Primate Research Exhibition Hall will put the nation’s
use of monkeys and apes in historical perspective and contrast the
cruelty with the current understanding of the similarity of these
animals’ and human minds and emotions.
The University of Wisconsin and other vested interests are working
hard to see that the public remains uninformed and uninvolved. To
that end, they are using every available resource to stop the creation
of this historic and unique facility.
Read the lawsuit
filed in Dane County, Wisconsin.
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