Endangered Sooty Mangabeys in Peril----Your
Immediate Action Required

Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, GA., US, has applied
for a permit to conduct medical experiments and kill endangered mangabey
monkeys in its primate colony. Yerkes is operated by Emory University.
The application states, "requests amendment of a permit to
include lethal take of up to twenty captive born white-collared
mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus) per year, for
the purpose of enhancement of the survival of the species. This
notification covers activities to be conducted by the applicant
over a five-year period.
In return, a mangabey study project run by Ohio State University
researcher Scott McGraw in the Tai Forest, Ivory Coast would receive
funds of $30,000 per year.
Yerkes also proposes to kill their elder Mangabey population citing
the genetic pool has been diluted and they will use the new Mangabeys
for breeding. Yerkes has had complete control over breeding and
mate selection since 1968 so is completely at fault for any population
problems for which they now complain.
What Yerkes proposes is equivalent to 'pay-to-take' new Mangabeys---just
like any hunt.
Yerkes is always free to contribute to conservation efforts and
could easily afford far more than $30K. This is a feeble excuse
for a donation for 'conservation'.
The US Gov't. Has Requested Citizen Input
The public has been invited to comment on Yerkes' application. This
is our opportunity to speak for the primates. Will you help
When writing, please reference Yerkes'
request #PRT- 837068.
Letters are preferred over e-mails and phone
calls. Please write to:
USFWS Dir. Dale Hall
c/o Fish & Wildlife Svc.
Div.of Mgmt Auth.
4401 N. Fairfax Dr.
Room 700
Arlington, VA. 22203
email = Dale_Hall@fws.gov
Fax = 703-358-2281
Will you help?
Is the primate on your Freedom Tag listed among the dead? Will
the next list of dead include the primate on your Tag? Many Mangabeys
at Emory/Yerkes are dead due to negligence. Reasons for death include:
self-mutilation, fight wounds, trauma and shock--all due to negligence
by Yerkes' researchers--so called ''primate experts".
View the list of dead Mangabeys here.
Register Notice
Portion of supporting
documents Conservation International, (IC), penned a letter
supporting Yerkes. With assests exceeding $192 million, CI could
easily fully fund the Ivory Coast project without endorsing the
killing of mangabeys.
Please note on page 12, Yerkes is complaining they have too many
sootys ---too old to be useful for breeding and asking permission
to euthanize them becasue they are 'too costly' to maintain. Yerkes
does however, have funds to spend on this new project.
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